Thursday, 22 December 2016

MORE Magazine from Shueisha inc. Japan

Last week, I received a thank you email from the editor of a monthly fashion magazine, "MORE" from Shueisha Inc. in Japan. I have now completed a year of editorial illustration job for the magazine. It has been an honour to produce illustrations for them this year. MORE is a magazine I have known for a long time when I lived in Japan so when I got the contact to illustrate a page monthly it felt somehow surreal but at the same time very excited. It was also my first recurring job. Until then I had never took upon a job that happened regularly. So It was amazing as being an illustrator it is always hard not knowing when the next job will come in.

The illustration style I was asked to produce was also different from my usual painted style. It was more of a line-drawn style with limited use of colours. Every month I was briefed to illustrate characters in a city around the world with an animal. Theme depended on the seasonal features of that month. I enjoyed the briefs every month. I had many opportunities to illustrate places or scenes I have never illustrated before. So it challenged me in a good way too. I am very grateful for the opportunity that MORE gave me and really really happy to have met the editor and the designer, the magazine and the magazine readers too. Thank you very much!!!

There are still two more issues to be published with my illustrations in it. I'll be updating those on my facebook page.

May issue was published in spring featuring colourful Bento recipes for ohanami (Japanese cherry-blossom watching/picnic)so the brief was a picnic. - I was specifically asked for western style picnic rather than the Japanese Ohanami style.   5月号は、お弁当特集を雑誌で取り上げていたので、テーマは「ピクニックでした。お花見ではない、欧州でやるようなピクニックということで、サンドイッチやチーズなどを食べてるカップルにしてみました。




September issue with the theme of stargazing.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Approaching December

It has been a while since my last post! I need to write more frequently!

Since around September, along with my monthly editorial commissions I have been busy making a piece for an illustration competition, creating some wedding stationery for friends and creating new work for a group exhibition in Japan. (This coming December! I will write the detail in this post.)

I will be heading to Japan for a week from the end of the month - Very exciting!!
I can't wait to soak in onsen - public bath, especially in this weather! It's going to be good.

"My Favourite Things" group exhibition in Tokyo
From Monday 5th to Saturday 10th December I will be exhibiting my newly created work for LP record cover exhibition at Laundry Graphics Gallery in Tokyo.
The theme for the cover was "My favourite things." So I could create anything I like or something related to a musician, Mayumi Kojima who will be performing at the event. So I combined the illustrations inspired by my trip to India few years ago and some of Mayumi's songs which feature sea and whales. I will post the images when I come back from the trip.
You can see the exhibition detail here at Laundry Graphic Gallery's website.

Also during December, I will be having a stall out at St.Agatha's school Xmas fair in Kingston. Because of my trip to Japan I have laid off applying for bigger London Xmas fairs but thankfully, my husband, very kindly agreed to stand at the stall for me on 4th December while I am away...Thank you!! So anyone local, please come and visit Nozomi Inoue illustration stall for some prints, posters and cards on Sunday 4th December between 2-5pm.

(Work in progress. Illustration for the exhibition in Tokyo. レコードジャケット展へ出品した作品の制作途中写真)



【My Favorite Things レコードジャケット展】 at Laundry Graphics Gallery in Tokyo.

12月5日(月)〜10日(土)まで渋谷にあるLaundry Graphics Galleryにて、レコードジャケット展に参加いたします。今回のグループ展に参加するにあたり、新しい作品を制作しました。写真は制作途中のイラストです。「私のお気に入り」をテーマに、数年前にいったインドへの旅行と、イベントにてパフォーマンスされるミュージシャン、小島麻由美さんからインスピレーションを受けたイラストを描いてみました。是非、仕上がった作品もギャラリーにてご覧ください。お近くにお寄りの方は、是非ランドリーグラフィックスギャラリーに足をお運びくださいませ。

また、12月4日(日)はロンドン郊外のキングストンにある学校、St.Agatha's schoolにてクリスマス・フェアに出店して参加する予定です。当日私はフェアには参加できないのですが、お近くにお住まいの方は是非お立ち寄りください。私のオリジナルの作品、プリント、クリスマスカードなどを販売しております。

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Barnes & Noble book store

Over the last 3 months I was working on direct mailers and book fair poster for Barnes & Noble. (Images may change slightly subject to the final design of the text-placement.)
It came as a nice surprise as I had never worked on series of illustration like this seasonal direct mailers.
It was little challenging to get the right feel of the store at the beginning as I never visited the store. But with the references I got and feedbacks I had from the client I was able to pull it off. The client liked my "whimsical style" - as they called it, and wanted to turn the book store into an opening box - you might recognise the pink building from my past work.

クリスマスから3月にかけて、アメリカの書店、Barnes & Nobleとのお仕事をさせていただきました。ダイレクトメイラーを2枚と、ポスターのお仕事の依頼を頂きました。シリーズものとしてお仕事させていただけたのはとても嬉しかったです。

There were lots of elements in the January edition direct mailer and in the book fair poster. I don't think I have painted so may books and people in one piece before!


The poster design showing sketch and the final artwork. I enjoyed making my own
paper-collaged bookshelves. 
Direct mailers were sent out to members of Barnes & Noble. The poster will be put up in the stores where there will be book fairs held in various B&N store in USA.
As I won't be able to see the printed poster, it would be nice if anyone in the US could message me with the photo or something:)
