Friday, 30 December 2011

Romanian city, Sibiu print available on Etsy!

I have added a new item on my shop on Etsy.
The print of this original illustration is on sale right now so please have a peek!
I went to visit my friends town in Romania called Sibiu this year and found the buildings and housed incredibly cute! They had window in the roof which made them look like they had a face on each house. So I intentionally exaggerated the face! I really enjoyed painting the details in this work.

今年ルーマニアの友人の住んでいるシビウという街を訪れて インスピレーションをもらって描いた作品です。街のほとんどの建物の屋根に窓がついていて、それが目のようで、家に顔があるみたいな、とても可愛らしい街でした。どうぞショップにてご覧ください。

Friday, 25 November 2011

Spitalfields Art Market

After the Teddington Art Fair in October, I had my stall out in Spitalfields Art Market from 17th - 20th November (Thur-Sun)Last week.
As always, it was really nice to get the first hand feedback and meeting new people. I even met and spoke with some people on holiday from different countries just there for the weekend!
Thank you for those who came and showed interest and those who bought something there. 
I also have learned a lot from exhibitors who were there. Very nice works by them and great people:-)


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Prints ready for sale at Teddington Landmark Art Fair this weekend!!

The prints are ready and collected from printer and being packaged for Landmark Autumn Art Fair this weekend! (Oops! My messy desk! ) Open on Sat 15th and Sun 16th from 10am-5pm on both day. I cannot wait to hear the first-hand feedback again this year, but also at the same time little scared to see the result. Prints will be also available from here if you can't make it this weekend.

今年もTeddingtonのアートフェアに参加します。期間は10月15、16日。Teddington Landmark Art Centreにて。二日とも10時〜5時まで。ご興味のある方は是非、見に来て下さい。作品はオンラインでも発売中です。こちらからどうぞ。

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Designing Christmas cards!

It is still summer but I am sure all the illustrations for Christmas season is created around this time or earlier in this industry! I am spending some time on Christmas card designs for arts fairs to come in October and November. I thought I might give a little insight of what I have been doing. I am planning to do 3 designs. I still have one more to make and other things to put in for Teddington art fair. Owww.....still behind though. The cards will be available on Etsy as soon as I get them printed from a printer. So please visit when I finish it! I will post a news about it.


Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Illustrating Lake District

 I went back to Lake District again for the second time last month. I love the area and we decided to go again. I just love the views from fells and the scenery of mountains with waterfalls and lakes. This is one of the view we saw at the top of a fell in North Lake lands. I also found out about Alfred Wainwright who was a fell walker who explored and illustrated the walks he has done in Lake lands between 1050-1960s. The books were incredible! All the details he has illustrated!

湖水地方は何度も戻りたいと思わせる魅力を持つ、イギリスの地域の一つだと思う。今回で訪れたのは2度目。やはり素敵な地域だ。なんといっても山の頂上から見る村や湖の風景、滝や、その辺で草を食べてる湖水地方特有のバイキング羊が すぐそこで見れる。イラストはそんな景色の中の一風景をイラストにしたもの。

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Malta map and the working method


I went to Malta for last Christmas and I had this feeling of wanting to illustrate the place for a long time. So I did and it is uploaded on They draw and travel blog for 12th May post. I did some elements on a separate sheet of paper and put them together on computer but I think I might have preferred to work structuring all on a paper. Well, I don't know if the planning was better it might have been a different story.

去年のクリスマスにマルタへ旅行へ行った時から、いつかマルタ島のイラストを描きたいと思っていてやっと描いた地図。They Draw and Travelというブログの5月12日の日記に載せていただきました。いつもと違う、何枚かの紙に描いた部分的な絵をパソコンを使って一枚の絵にしたのですが、やっぱり実際の紙の上で作品を一つにする方が私には合っているのかなぁと思える作品になりました。

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Inside a tree

New illustration I did. I was thinking of ideas for birthdays. Age or history of a tree can be told from growth ring inside a tree. Like trees, I wanted the aging for us to be also a story of experience and the journey taken in our lives. More stories there are to tell, more exciting you are. After all, getting old isn't too bad is it?
I want to be an exciting person with a lot of stories to tell.


Monday, 11 April 2011

Website Updated!

I have added few more images on my website from the recent works and two from the past which I did for a Children's educational book insert submission.  Unfortunately I wasn't picked for the book, but had a nice feedback from the publisher. 

I am recently interested in textures on images. Thinking to include more of printmaking method into my work. Anyway, just a thought.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Press - interviews by two Japanese local papers

This is a little dated news now but I was interviewed by two local news papers last year. ( Both in Japan)

Here are the link to the article.
Town News ( Ashigara ban)

Ashigara shinbun (Please scroll down the page for this article)


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

I have decided to illustrate one a day for my personal project. No matter what comes to my mind, I will complete one illustration a day. It is like an exercise to come up with an idea and finish it quickly. Just like one day projects we did at uni.
Anyway, so that I won't be scared of illustrating and getting used to come up with ideas quicker.