Friday, 1 June 2018

Hawaii Style magazine

もう6月に突入してしまいました。信じられないぐらい時が経つのが早いです。4月、5月と少し忙しくしていたのでこのアップが遅くなりましたが、4月にお仕事をさせていただいた、エイ出版社から発売のムック本「ハワイスタイル 53号」にて、ハワイ伝統食7点のイラストを描かせていただきました。実は食べ物のイラストは自作のカレンダーやオリジナルで描いてはいたものの、お仕事で描くのはこれが初でした。過去に描きためた食べ物のイラストを見ていただき、ご依頼をくださったと聞いたときは嬉しかったです。好きなものはやはり描いていれば、どこかでご縁があるのかなと思えた瞬間でした。


Wow, it's the 1st of June already! Time flies!! I have been rather busy with various things so this post is a bit of a late update about the job I have done in April. I have illustrated 7 Hawaiian traditional foods for Hawaii Style magazine issue no.53, published from Ei publishing in Japan. Before this I had never been commissioned to do food illustration so it was amazing when the client told me that she saw my food illustrations I have done for my personal work and commissioned me. I should keep illustrating what I like. 
I have never been to Hawai so some of the food is hard to imagine what it would taste like. I really want to try Poi - sweet dish made from taro, and Haupia- another sweet dish made with coconut but looks life tofu. Some slow cooked food looked amazing too. 

The reference photos I received showed food in polystyrene containers and were mostly monotone ( beige and brown) so the client has asked me to brighten the illustration. I have decided to use colourful plates and crockery to add some colour.