Tuesday 17 May 2011

Malta map and the working method


I went to Malta for last Christmas and I had this feeling of wanting to illustrate the place for a long time. So I did and it is uploaded on They draw and travel blog for 12th May post. I did some elements on a separate sheet of paper and put them together on computer but I think I might have preferred to work structuring all on a paper. Well, I don't know if the planning was better it might have been a different story.

去年のクリスマスにマルタへ旅行へ行った時から、いつかマルタ島のイラストを描きたいと思っていてやっと描いた地図。They Draw and Travelというブログの5月12日の日記に載せていただきました。いつもと違う、何枚かの紙に描いた部分的な絵をパソコンを使って一枚の絵にしたのですが、やっぱり実際の紙の上で作品を一つにする方が私には合っているのかなぁと思える作品になりました。


1 comment:

Calvanki said...

Really, really nice, a fantasy map!!!