Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Barnes & Noble book store

Over the last 3 months I was working on direct mailers and book fair poster for Barnes & Noble. (Images may change slightly subject to the final design of the text-placement.)
It came as a nice surprise as I had never worked on series of illustration like this seasonal direct mailers.
It was little challenging to get the right feel of the store at the beginning as I never visited the store. But with the references I got and feedbacks I had from the client I was able to pull it off. The client liked my "whimsical style" - as they called it, and wanted to turn the book store into an opening box - you might recognise the pink building from my past work.

クリスマスから3月にかけて、アメリカの書店、Barnes & Nobleとのお仕事をさせていただきました。ダイレクトメイラーを2枚と、ポスターのお仕事の依頼を頂きました。シリーズものとしてお仕事させていただけたのはとても嬉しかったです。

There were lots of elements in the January edition direct mailer and in the book fair poster. I don't think I have painted so may books and people in one piece before!


The poster design showing sketch and the final artwork. I enjoyed making my own
paper-collaged bookshelves. 
Direct mailers were sent out to members of Barnes & Noble. The poster will be put up in the stores where there will be book fairs held in various B&N store in USA.
As I won't be able to see the printed poster, it would be nice if anyone in the US could message me with the photo or something:)
